When I got into photography, I was introduced through digital photography. At the time, digital photography was more in demand and practical in Nigeria. Film photography seemed complicated and never bothered to research properly about it.
When I moved to London in 2017, my perception started changing. I went to film school and a lot of creatives I came across shot film. There is also a demand for it here so it is easier to shoot analog.
Fast forward to some time this year, I decided that I needed a distraction and something new to learn as a creative, so I picked up a disposable camera over the summer. About a month later, I got my first scans, Yaaay! Of course I was excited. They weren’t great results, LOL, actually they were the worst quality but they increased my interest in exploring the medium some more.
Going forward, I got an Olympus OM2N + 50mm from eBay. (Thanks to my mate Leon Frind and the internet for answering my million and one questions). I took 2 rolls of film – Kodak ultra max 400 & Ilford Delta 400 – on a couple of projects I was working on at the time. The clients were expecting digital so I wasn’t under pressure. I also picked up a Plustek Optic Film 8100 scanner to scan them at home after developing the negatives at a local lab.
The entire process wasn’t as mad as I thought it will be for my first time and I definitely will be exploring this medium some more. Undoubtedly, I made a lot of newbie mistakes but I think the worst one was that I opened the back… twice. ??
Anyway, here are some of the images I was able to get.

Emily Nkanga